How to Gain a PhD in Failure

Entrepreneurship is all about taking risks, putting ourselves out there and working to make dreams happen, so why don’t we talk about the projects that don’t work more often? Why don’t we try to share what we’ve learned in failing, with the community around us? Wouldn’t that be more helpful than reading another entrepreneurship story about how awesome some business owner is after “a few rough patches?”

These are the questions my business partner and I asked ourselves in December of 2017 and decided to collect stories about failure from other entrepreneurs and compile them into the book every entrepreneur really wants (and needs) to read.

After talking to 20 entrepreneurs (and counting) we’ll share key lessons I’ve learned about failing and how to keep going after it seems like everything is falling apart as well as some insights about vulnerability and the power entrepreneurs lose when we hide our failings.

Intended audience: Anyone who has never failed. Or anyone who has.
